Our Guides

Blu Moore pic
Blu Moore

Co-Owner, Legend,
King of the prairie.

Specialties: Goose calling, Duck calling, Turkey calling, Scouting, Setup, and Fishing Guide.

Trey Miller


Specialties: Calling and scouting

Sunny Dass

Hide specialist, upland hunting, straight up gangster.
I just love killin’.

Jake Edwards

 “The Jewfro”
Caller, spread specialists, and turkey killer.
Screw it we ball.

Nathan Corder

Camera Man/Guide
Not that great for anything but I come with Maggie so that’s a plus!

Reese Botchlet

Calling, Scouting, Hide, and Decoy specialist.

Jose Manuel Olvera

“Lead don’t follow”

Dillon Schmidt


Specialties: Goose calling, Duck calling, Scouting, & Finishing birds at your feet.

Mark Manley

Calling, scouting, and hide specialist.

Brice Hill

Scouting, decoy, and hide specialist.